Look into the Future, Develop Leadership――’Future Leadership’ Course in CKC

Editor:jyz Date:2019-06-13 Hits:942


The one-week-long course ‘future leadership’ taught in English ended in a satisfactory way  in Chu Kochen College recently.



‘Future leadership’ course is one of the cooperation courses constructed by University of Singapore and Zhejiang University. The project is aiming to promote international communication and facilitate culture exchange as well as education development.



Participated by excellent professors and students from two universities, the course focused on world’s common concerns, for example gene editingInternet security and economic paradigm. Participants discussed realistic problems in various fields involved financescience and art .


The course contained multiple procedures such as professor lecturesdiscussionQ&A and group project. Professors shared research achievements in their own field, improving students’ knowledge levels. Students learned from each other and practiced leadership skills in the meantime. Most important of all, students were encouraged to think deeply about the hot issues in human society and realize their responsibilities as future leaders.
